A Senior truck trainer and  Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Ali Farooq formed a band of seasoned professional truck trainers and established a well-equipped training facility for AZ/DZ new drivers. It’s a lethal combination of experienced truckers with on-road skills and management strength spreading over two decades in the highly paid trucking industry.

  • This Special program is designed for those new AZ DZ license holder who have not gone on the road.
  • We are advanced driver training Facility and Recruitment center
  • 100% assistance on Job Placements

At Safe N Safe trainers, we provide a complete advanced driver training and upgrade management skills to open a new school on turn-key bases. Excellent business opportunity for senior truckers and trainers. This will improvise your driving skills in two to three weeks to get ready for the job and you can embark on a highly paid profession in trucking career.